EWL Insider Monthly 2020 Archived Issues

December 2020 (PDF) - For the last month of 2020, we're talking about the #1 way to sell more books, the difficulties of being a writer, whether you should join a writer's critique group and marketing strategies.

November 2020 (PDF) - This month, we're talking about dealing with critics, Kindle Unlimited, creativity and questioning everything.

October 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about how to know when your writing is good enough, moving forward when you’re overwhelmed, improving book sales, and pre-order options.

September 2020 (PDF) - This month we'll be talking about choosing your focus and sticking with it. We'll walk through how to build suspense in your content. We'll discuss things writers worry about that really aren't a concern and we'll talk about why your audience is buying.

August 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about how to write an autoresponder series. We delve into why you should offer an audio version of your book. We share tips that every entrepreneur needs to know. And last, but not least, we'll be talking about why you should advertise your business online.

July 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about frontlists and backlists and how to market each. We talk about how often you should be reviewing your content plan and how to encourage earned media. Finally, we'll discuss ways to plan your blog posts and promotions around the seasons.

June 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about brand images, emotions that evoke action, growing your list and attention-grabbing headlines.

May 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about creating better content, leveraging dry spells, publishing frequency, and improving the readability of your content.

April 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about product promotions, writing copy, telling memorable stories and common writing mistakes.

March 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about how often to create new products, ways to brand your small business, persuasive writing techniques, and the types of blog content you need.

February 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about increasing your expert status by becoming an author, getting clicks without clickbait, writing about problems you haven't experienced, and writing with empathy.

January 2020 (PDF) - This month we’re talking about choosing goals for the year, copywriting strategies, joint ventures, and project management.

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