How to Come Up With Attention-Getting Book Titles (Part 2)

Guest post by Melody Spier.

If you remember, last time we talked about what makes a good title. This time, we’ll walk through how to create it. Let’s jump right to it…

Step 1 – Make a huge list.

You know what your book is about. Start writing down words and phrases that relate to your book and the message it provides. See what kind of titles, and subtitles, you can come up with using these words. When considering subtitles, try to include a keyword or two to boost search results.

Step 2 – Search bestsellers.

Search online bookstores such as Amazon and Barnes & Nobel as well as bestseller lists. Look for titles that have a similar topic to yours. Are those titles working for them? What type of title structure seems to be selling best? Is it the facts or the cliché titles that capture buyer attention? Do consumers buy more books where the titles identify their needs or make a promise? Do they have numbers in the title? While searching, be sure to add words or phrases that capture your attention to your list.

Step 3 – Consider reader knowledge level.

Who will be reading your book? Are they novices or professionals, who are looking for extra help? Consider including that information in the title; “Leadership Skills for First-Time Managers” or “How Successful CEOs Do More in Less Time” Read the titles aloud. Read your potential titles aloud. Have others read them. Do they flow smoothly or are they hard to read?

Step 4 – Use online tools.

Several online tools can help you create or improve a title. 

         Portent’s Content Idea Generator lets you enter the subject and it will generate an idea. Some of the suggestions are a bit funny but they get your creative juices flowing.

         Adazing lets you search by genre. It gives you options for adding information such as    benefits, the number of steps presented, and the negative effect the book eliminates. 

         Lulu has a title scorer, which they say can give you an idea of whether or not the title will be a success. 

All of these tools can be helpful but don’t let them be the deciding factor in what you choose.

Because you can see the big picture, you are best qualified to choose a winning title for your book.

Step 5 – Make it shorter.

Short titles are the easier to remember. Look over your options. Identify words you can eliminate or rephrase to make the title more concise.

Step 6 – Take a poll.

Test some titles out before you make a final decision. You can use survey or polling software to ask visitors, previous buyers, friends, family, and social media followers to vote on the best title. If it’s your first book or you don’t have a big following, consider placing an ad on Facebook or Google to help test two or three choices. There are also sites such as PickFu that provide unbiased feedback.

Step 7 – Let it breathe.

Like a good red wine, a title needs to breathe.

Take a break from thinking about it. Ignore it for a few days or weeks. When you come back to it, see what resonates with you. If you are still writing your book, wait until the book is finished, so you know exactly what you want to convey.  

Creating an attention-getting book title doesn’t have to be hard.  It just takes a bit of time and research. Just make sure it’s easy to read, memorable and captivating. It also needs to be something you’re excited about; something that you won’t mind saying and writing thousands of times for years to come. 

About the Author: Virtual assistant, project manager and PLR seller. One customer recently told her, “You’re everywhere!” Learn more about Melody Spier at

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