Growth Potential for Authors and Freelance Writers

growth potential for writers

Despite the concern that artificial intelligence will take over writing for writers, according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States of America Writers are expected to experience growth about as fast as other careers. Plus, the median pay is about 30 bucks an hour with most writers who commit to the career experiencing solid job security.

Also, most writers are freelancers today which makes it a great way to start in a freelancing business since you won’t have to convince anyone that it can be done from a distance. But what does that mean to you? Is there any chance you can grow as an author and freelance writer and create a lucrative career doing it? The short answer is yes, you can create a thriving career today as a freelance writer and author. The long answer includes all the caveats below.

Commit to Your Craft

This is probably one of the most important aspects of becoming a writer and author. The most important job you have is learning your craft. The more you seek to improve your writing and the services you provide the more business you will have.

Read about writing, listen to podcasts about writing, join writing groups and workshops so that you can improve your writing even as you earn a full-time living doing it. That’s one thing so great about writing for a living. There is room for all levels of writers because there are all types of clients in all types of niches.

Learn the Business Side of Things

While your most important job is to write, and chances are you may be the only one who can do the writing, there is another side to this career choice, and that’s the business side of things. You may need to serve as the chief operations officer of your business, or you may have to do everything. Regardless, you must learn about organizing, planning, marketing, finance and more.

As the CEO of your small business, you’ll need to create and implement growth strategies, clarify your branding, develop systems, and possibly eventually build a small team of either employees or contractors to assist you in your business.

Get Help

The next thing you need to do as mentioned above is to get help. You may start with help that isn’t really business related if you want to. For example, outsource your housework, laundry, cooking, childcare and anything else you can to give you more time to work your business.

When you have built your business enough, start outsourcing things like bookkeeping, customer service, social media marketing, and you can even bring on another writer if needed to help you with customer work. How large you can grow, how much money you can earn, is really all up to you and what kind of business you want to build as a writer and an author.

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