Writing is a brave career. It takes a lot for someone to strike out on their own and start creating pages upon pages of text for others to consume. And it can take a lot out of even the best of us. Creatively working takes a toll. With such a finicky career as ours, it’s imperative that we set up our “workspace” to provide the best possible outcomes and the least amount of stress on our creative minds.
What colors or patterns inspire you?
And, alternately, are there any colors or patterns that stress you out? By either incorporating or avoiding these in your decorating, you can help to create your perfect writing space.
Where do you feel the most inspired?
Do you find that nature inspires you? Maybe working out on your deck or balcony would be good for writing. Are you inspired by the hustle and wonderful smells in your local coffee shop? It could help to incorporate some of that into your writing space, or increase your coffee budget so you can go there on a daily basis to work!
What sort of “noise” do you need when you’re working?
Do you need some white noise in the background when you’re working? Maybe you’re someone who prefers to work in absolute silence and you need to purchase some noise-cancelling headphones. Some writers like listening to different types of music, such as classical, to keep their minds working.
Are there any smells that can help inspire you?
This may seem like an odd question, but it can go back to where you feel the most inspired. If it’s nature that keeps you churning out the pages, then having an open window or open air in your workspace can help to keep you inspired. If you have a favorite memory like your grandmother’s kitchen, then maybe having a candle that smells like fresh bread or homemade cookies will recreate that for you.
What furniture works best for you when you’re writing?
Some writers prefer to sit at a desk or a table to write. They feel more productive that way. Others prefer to have a comfortable chair, a warm blanket, and curl up with their laptop.
What equipment do you need for your writing career?
In addition to the furniture you need for maximum productivity, you should also think about the other equipment you may need in your writing space. Does a laptop or desktop computer work better for you? Do you prefer an old-fashioned typewriter? Do you need a printer for research?
Taking some time to plan out your workspace can help with your productivity as a writer. Making even small changes to your workspace can also help, if what you have now isn’t working as well for you.
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