How to Start Outsourcing

Nicole Dean is dubbed as a “Passive Income Machine”. It’s what she loves (almost as much as she loves her family, traveling around the world, and Dr. Who). Since 2004, she’s been building her business online and creating and growing income streams, training and inspiring her readers, her customers, and her affiliates to make money.

Recently, Alice and Nicole got together for a chat about creating more massive income and this is what she has to say starting outsourcing. If you missed our previous interview snippet where Nicole talks about multiplying your time and introduces the concept of outsourcing, it’s here.

Watch the video below and keep reading to know what things you can start outsourcing to start multiplying your time…

From Nicole:

Nicole says she always outsources, based on the needs of the business. For her personally, with one business, she works with a big team because there are so many moving parts to the business. With two other business, she works with just a few people. But what she wants you to get out of this, is you don’t have to go out and build a team right away. Instead, you can start small and grow your team as your business needs it.

She recommends starting with the invisible roadblocks. If you’re not consistently making money, figure out what’s stopping you and outsource that first.

If you’re struggling for 6 months to make money, you’re not doing yourself any favors and, depending on the topic or what you’re working, the window of opportunity to make money from it may disappear if it’s in a hot spot right now.

If it’s site installs, shopping carts, setting up your funnels or things like that, it’s easy to find people to help remove those obstacles for you.

If you don’t know what is standing in your way or if you don’t know if you have a profitable business, the first step would be to hire a coach or join a coaching group that can help you get there (hint: you may want to join our Elite Writer’s Lab).

If you’re already a profitable business and you want to grow that, then it will be the things keeping you from making more money. This could be things like customer support that tend to be time consuming for business owners (as Nicole and Alice talk about in the video), but a professional virtual assistant can come in, get it done quickly and the bill will be much smaller than you expected. Yet, when you do it yourself, it’s a large drain on your time and mental energy, that it keeps you focused from GROWING your business.

Thoughts from Alice and Ron:

We couldn’t agree with Nicole more on her strategy for beginning to outsource. The more you can take of your plate that keeps you from  moving forward, the faster you’re going to get to success.

There are few things to consider if you continue to do all the work yourself:

  • You’ll simply have too much to do. Doing everything means you have to focus on the day to day things that keep the business running, but usually means you have less time for strategizing and actually growing the business.
  • You’ll start to procrastinate. When you’ve got too much on your plate that you just really don’t want to do (or don’t know how to do), you tend to procrastinate and it becomes more difficult to get things done at all.

Hiring a virtual assistant with a wide skill set (there are LOTS out there) will allow you to get the help you need with those various roadblocks Nicole mentioned, so you can get to profits…and for us, even more importantly…the time freedom you deserve from having your own business.

How to Get the Full Interview:

If you found this tip helpful, we have the full interview available, exclusively to our Elite Writer’s Lab members and the good news is, you can join and get instant access to a huge library of content, just for writers, by clicking here.

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