- Working Smart or Just Working Hard?
Here’s something that most writers and online business owners struggle with – working too hard for not enough return. Even when the returns are good, the hours can be grueling.
We know. We’ve DEFINITELY been there.
As work at home parents, we can’t afford to be sitting at our computer 24/7. We chose to run our online ...
- 35 Things to Make Content Marketing Easier
Today’s post is all about making your content marketing easier. We do hope you find it helpful in getting your content down and out to your followers. Feel free to share it on Twitter, Facebook or anywhere. We’d love that.
Now let’s get started. Here are 35 things that can make your content marketing easier… 1. Write about what ...
- Why and How to Outline Your Book
There are many ways to write a book. You can wing it. You can sit down at your computer and just start writing. Many people take that approach. In the world of fiction writing they’re called “pantsters” because they write by the seat of their pants.
However, there are other types of writers too. They are ...
- How Long Should It Take to Write a Book and Will it Be Any Good?
Most authors are full of questions. They’re also full of energy, doubts, enthusiasm, hesitation and a whole bunch of conflicting emotions. That’s what happens when you’re excited about an idea and invested in the outcome. So let’s try to answer some of those common questions so you can get down to writing and worry less ...
- Do You Have Enough Content to Write a Book?
Talk to most people and they’ll tell you that they have a great idea for a book. And to be fair, any good book starts with an idea. However, an idea isn’t enough. Sure, when Robert Kiyosaki dreamed up his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book, it probably started as just a simple idea on how ...
- Stop Working So Hard: Build You Content Marketing Team & Get Things Done!
Over the past week, we’ve provided a lot of ideas for creating content and using it to grow your business.
There are so many possibilities and while you may not take advantage of each and every opportunity and idea, you can probably do a lot more than you think.
That’s the beauty of having your own team ...
- How to Manage Prolific Content Creation without Working Yourself To Death
One of the secrets to successful content marketing is not only being seen by a lot of people, but also turning those views into prospects and customers for your business.
Alice was recently interviewed about being a prolific, results-oriented content publisher WITHOUT working yourself to death and we have a handy summary of that interview for ...
- 9 Ways to Monetize Your Content Creation Skills
You work hard create content for your readers, but if you want to grow your business, it needs to serve a purpose for you. With that in mind, we’ve got 12 easy ways to monetize your content. 1. Building Your List: Don’t do anything else until your content is feeding people into your mailing list. ...
- How Can I Give Away Content without Giving Away the Store?
by Alice Seba and Annette Elton
Here’s a question we recently received from our subscriber, Ed.
“How do we keep from ‘giving away the store?’ That is, how do we keep from giving away what we’d normally charge clients to do for them?”
This is a very common question amongst our clients and people we’ve worked with over ...
- 18 Ways to Connect with Influencers
Having just one relationship with an online influencer in your market can have a huge impact on your business. These influencers often have energetic personalities that command respect from other players in their niche.
You should be seeking out relationships with people of influence since they help shape consumer decision by promoting products and ideas across ...