2016 was an amazing year for me and my business. It was a year of personal growth where I improved my craft and gained a lot of confidence.
In 2017, I plan to narrow my focus and scale up the programs that have the most potential for my business.
My two big takeaways that can be a big help to you in 2017 are:
1) “Do or do not. There is no try.”
Spending time learning and planning are good, but the real education comes from actually doing new things. Only then will you learn what you are really capable of and break free of your limiting beliefs.
In 2016, I hosted my first live virtual event (the BestSellersSummit) with Alice and then later in the year I hosted an in person marketing seminar (the WarriorEvent). I’ve always considered myself an introvert, but forcing myself to get involved and step out of my comfort zone showed me that I’m not bad at helping to organize and host events. In fact, I think they both went over really well based on the feedback from attendees.
I also did several product launches in 2016, one in which I wrote my own sales copy all by myself. Prior to that, I thought I needed to hire a copywriter, but after seeing my video sales letter outperform the copy I had paid thousands for in the past, I realized that my skills were a lot better than I thought with that as well.
So the bottom line is, stepping out of your comfort zone is the best way to master your craft. Think of each new experience being like an arrow in your quiver that will give you the confidence to battle your competitors. You can achieve a lot more than you realize.
2) Surround yourself with people who are doing what you want to accomplish.
This was huge for me in 2016. Just interacting with people who were high achievers and learning what was working for them helped me tremendously.
I did this by attending events and by joining key mastermind and networking groups.
One of my strengths is being able to model what others are doing. Once I see that something is working for someone, I can usually put my own spin on it and implement it for my own business. Strategically being part of groups like our EliteWritersLab opened my eyes to a lot of exciting things that I realized I should be focusing on to grow.
One little tip can result in windfall profits. So in 2017, make sure you network and model after people who have achieved things you want to achieve. I certainly plan to do more of this.
Those are my two big takeaways going into the new year. I hope this serves you well for 2017.
P.S. Here’s the link to Alice’s tip from yesterday, if you haven’t seen that one yet.