There is a lot more to writing a book than just the writing part. Many authors agree that the hardest part of writing a book is selling the book. It really doesn’t even matter if the information inside the book is great or not. I’m sure you’ve read some books that weren’t as good as their marketing before.
A book usually will not take off like a virus without a push. Webinars are also convenient, inexpensive, and simple to put together. All you really need to know is a few different types of webinars you can put together as an author to boost sales.
Teach One Method from Your Book
Pick one thing from your book to teach to your webinar audience. Don’t give them everything inside the book just give them a peak by teaching them one actionable thing from the book. Something that they can put into action right now and get results. If you can create an aha moment for them during the webinar with that one lesson, they’re going to be more likely to turn around and order your book.
When they realize that they must get the book to get the complete details, and whatever you’ve bundled together in the package, and your one method from the book resonated with them, they’re going to buy your book.
This can work for all sorts of books. For example, if you write a cookbook, you can teach one recipe from the book along with a cooking technique to set your ideas apart from someone else’s. When they understand for themselves the results of the effort they’re going to be more likely to buy your book because you’ve demonstrated that the recipes are awesome and most importantly, you’re a real person who can be trusted.
Briefly Go Over What’s Included in Your Book
One way to conduct a webinar to sell more books as an author is to go over what’s included in your book. The best way to do that is to talk about the benefits of owning your book. Who it’s meant for, and what they’re going to learn by reading the book. A quick way to do this is to use the outline you created for your book and keep the details limited but tell them what they’ll take away from the book.
For example, if you wrote a book about getting organized, you’ll want to extol the results of someone following all the advice rather than focusing on the exact advice from the book. This will make the viewers want to order the book to avoid missing out. If you provide a good offer during the webinar, you’ll easily sell more books.
Hold Live Q & A Sessions for Purchasers
Sometimes people have a lot of questions but aren’t sure what to ask. Invite a roundtable of people who have purchased your book and sent you a positive review of the book to appear on a webinar where either you ask them questions about their favorite parts of the book, what made things click for them, open it up for viewers to ask questions of the buyers, or all the above.
The entire point is to quell the objections of buyers right at the time they have the objection. A live Q & A session allows that to happen organically. The buyers can help answer the questions, you can interject with more benefits, and the buyers will agree with you in front of the viewing audience thus encouraging more sells.
Discuss a Problem Your Book Solves
If your book solves a problem, you can use a webinar to tackle that topic. Educate your audience on the issue and the problem then talk about how the book solves this for them easily in how many ever steps or chapters the book has. For example, let’s say you wrote a book called, “How to Find More Paid Speaking Gigs”, you’ll discuss the problem of finding paid speaking gigs such as locating grounds, connecting with industry leaders, and creating contracts.
You’ll talk about the benefits of doing some free speaking gigs as well as the problems with doing that. Then, you’ll lead them into how they may find paid speaking gigs. You’ll give a little insight into the 10 ways your book covers to find paid speaking gigs, “including one that generated over $30,000 for one hour of speaking. If you have success stories, yours or others, that’ll make it even better.
Host Regular Book Discussions
Another way to encourage readership of your book or books as an author is to conduct regular book discussions via webinar. Kind of a new take on the in-person book clubs that have always been so popular they’re easy to put together. You can invite people who have read the book, and people from your list who have not read the book, as well as place Facebook Ads to get new people interested in your book(s).
First, your audience will love having you as their guide through a book that you wrote. Secondly, you’re going to get a lot of insight into the pages of your book that you may not have considered. Readers often find ways to use information that is different from the way you as an author may have initially intended. If the results are positive and what you wanted, then this is a boon for you.
Finally, once you’ve conducted the webinar, you can add it to your website so that interested parties can get insight into the book before buying it. The reason that this works is the same reason old-fashioned in-person book clubs worked. People are likely to buy and read the book prior to the book discussion if you market it correctly. Plus, the people who show up anyway, since it’s online, may then purchase the book due to the discussion going on.
What to Do Next: Get 40% Off Our Done-for-You Webinar Templates
Make it easier to conduct your webinars and sell those products with our Webinar Template Package that includes:
- Insider’s Webinar Marketing Strategy Guide
- Webinar Planning Checklist
- Webinar Sign Up Page Template and Sample
- Webinar Thank You Page Template and Sample
- Detailed Webinar Outline
- Webinar Slide Show Template
- Affiliate Recruitment Email
- 5-Part Promotional Email Series
- 5-Part Follow Up Email Series
Click here to grab the webinar template package.
And, of course, use our special coupon code to get 40% off. Coupon code: EWLBLOG
You can use these templates for your own webinars are select developer or resell rights to use the templates for your clients or to sell them. The choice is yours!